05.12.23 | Peterborough

Rural vs City Life: What Should You Choose?

It seems like only yesterday that the words “country life” conjured up an image of a hapless but happy family, with each member clad in matching suspenders and who always smelled a bit like farm residue. City dwellers scoffed at those “country bumpkins” who lazed about with a piece of straw in their mouths and knew nothing of the joy of modern conveniences, like running water, for instance. 

In turn, the country folk laughed at those “city slickers” who believed food magically grows on shelves at the local grocery store and would go into a scream-filled panic attack if a mouse, or worse, a terrifying bug, ever scurried across their path. 

As fun as these caricatures may be, they are outdated and not at all accurate.

Everything Has Changed in the Modern Age

Today’s rural residents enjoy a stylish and sophisticated lifestyle, often in spacious, custom-designed houses full of the latest and greatest technology. And city residents pride themselves in their backyard gardens and are happy to get elbows deep in muck if it results in a tastier selection of fresh vegetables. 

The point is that people are not so different after all! We all may be more alike than we thought, but rural and city living are as different as night and day. Both have advantages and disadvantages you should know before selling the family house and venturing into the great unknown. 

The first step is to consider both scenarios and know precisely what you are getting into. In this article, we’ll discuss the good, the bad, and the grisly about city and country living.

Intrigued by the idea of rural life? Here are some more posts to get the wheels turning:

The Case For and Against Rural Living

Ask anyone who has packed up their life and moved to the countryside, and you’ll discover a common theme. Fresh air, green grass, and unspoilt natural beauty are the major calls to country life. 

Children can stay outside for hours playing tag, capture the flag, and hide and seek until the sun sets. They’ll be getting fit and staying active without even knowing it. 

As a grown up, the peacefulness makes you feel like you’ve been transported to a different world. And when the blooms arise in the springtime and begin to release their fragrance, you may just think you’ve woken up in paradise. Yes, there are many, many upsides to saying goodbye to the city lights and heading out to the country. 

What are the drawbacks? Think of all the advantages we just discussed. Those are also the disadvantages. 

You may venture to the countryside for the “beauty of nature.” But that doesn’t just mean flowers, trees, and the melodic sound of birds gently chirping. The smell of animal waste is also part of nature. And those birds may not sound quite so musical when you hear them shrieking at the crack of dawn.

The other benefit of rural life is the tranquillity. But what if, instead of feeling peaceful, you feel isolated, lonely, or even fearful? “Peace and quiet” is pure bliss for some people. For others, it’s downright disturbing. It all depends on you and your personal preferences. 

Is City Life More Your Speed?

Now let’s take a look at what life in the big (or small) city has to offer. Once again, what one person finds appealing is what turns off someone else altogether. What are some of the drawbacks of suburban life?

The bustling excitement and convenience can come at a price. Property taxes tend to be higher, and you’ll pay more for less living space. 

And then there’s the traffic. Sitting behind the wheel of your car during rush hour and not moving even though the light has turned green three times is enough to turn anyone into a screaming rageaholic. It happens, especially if there’s an accident, event, or a special holiday sale at the local mall. 

If you live in Toronto or the GTA, it’s just a fact of life you have to expect at any time. If you live in a city like, (ahem), Peterborough, it is much more rare. With all this traffic congestion, why on earth would anyone want to live in the city? Much of it comes down to sheer convenience and the ability to get what you want when you want it. For example:

  • If you’d like to ditch the car and walk everywhere, then city life may be for you. 
  • If you find the idea of calling a friend and meeting up for a coffee or a movie 15 minutes later appealing, city life may be for you. 
  • If you crave excitement, bright lights and an exciting event happening at least every other weekend, city life may just be for you. 

Have you decided your next house should be in the city? There are many reasons Peterborough deserves your consideration:

Even More Benefits for City and Country Dwellers

In the city, people are milling about day and night. The thought may strike dread into the heart of a true country person. But if it makes you feel safer or more alive, then city life may just be right up your alley. 

Living in the city means never having to plan your day or even your entire week around grocery shopping. You can simply pop over to the store for whatever you need. And if you forget something? 

Just zip back over, and you’ll be done in a flash. This convenient lifestyle is something most country folk can’t imagine. Even in the age of online ordering and ultra-fast delivery, there is no substitute for the ability to find whatever you want or need right around the corner. Schools, shopping, dining, healthcare, and public transportation are all more easily accessible when you live within the city limits. 

Picture this: You get a sudden craving for ice cream or nachos. Within 15 minutes, you can be indulging your craving while enjoying the companionship of your best friend. In the country, this might take a week or more to coordinate. 

Or picture this: You wake up with the sound of no traffic and the fragrant scent of wildflowers wafting through your open windows. You step outside your door in your pyjamas or your robe and feel no embarrassment because no one is watching. In fact, there is no one around for miles, and that’s just the way you like it. City folk cannot even imagine this level of privacy and peacefulness.

What Will You Choose? 

The excitement and convenience of city life or the peaceful serenity of the countryside? Your choice depends on your personality and the lifestyle you want to enjoy. Once you’ve considered every possibility and done the background research, you can rest assured that whatever you choose is the right answer!

Are you ready to start your next great adventure, or do you simply want a little more information before making the leap? We are happy to help you with whatever path you choose. Contact us today by emailing team@jeffandkatie.ca or calling 705-243-9797 for more information.